Sunday, February 2, 2014

Go The Distance

These past two Fridays at "The Place" (Sundays in other parts of the world), singer/songwriter/Grammy artist Geoff Moore lead worship.  It was his first time to The Middle East so that was one of the key things that we had in common with Geoff.  Another thing, more notably for me, given the size of the university and its current graduating class, was to learn that Geoff attended/graduated from Taylor University.  Like any TU alum, the most popular question was where did you live on campus?  And that was where our commonalities ended as he lived in Wengatz Hall while I was in Sammy Morris.  Oh well; Geoff is a solid guy.

I'll leave you to research and look up other biographical information on Geoff while I continue to share our experience with him these past couple of Friday mornings.  This past Friday, Kristin and I were chosen to help him sell CD's.  The combination of Geoff's heart piercing music and the pretty girl next to me help sell quite a few CD's.  Afterwards, Kristin and I got to meet Geoff (hence the first name basis) and his accompanying guitarist, Mark (need I say more) who were both real humble, down to earth and easy-going people to strike up conversation with.

We're hopeful that Geoff and friends of his like Michael W. Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman will come across the pond to play and lead worship.  In our conversation with Geoff and Mark, others were saying how often people return to Qatar so that is a positive.  Having both of them was a real treat and blessing as they shared their music with us that spans generations.  One of our favorite songs that Geoff played both Fridays was "Listen to Our Hearts".  Check it out at the link below, and may it pierce your heart and give praise to The One who gives us new life.

"Listen to Our Hearts" by Geoff Moore

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