We returned to The Sandbox last week for Year 2 out in the desert. The whole flying experience followed by the taxi ride to our apartment was different compared to the previous year. It is a whole different feeling, but do not worry as a few things will always remain over in the part of the world at this time of the year: the heat and the humidity. For most of the year when you arrive in Qatar, you're given a warm welcome so to speak.
The other thing that has remained over in this part of the world is The Father. I don't know what it is about this place, but I can sense Him working and moving here in both mine and Kristin's life more than before. Our view of Him has grown more since we've been in a different part of the world which has been exciting. I have become grown closer to Dad in recognizing more and more that he is sovereign. All I need to do is pray and obey, and put my trust in Him daily recognizing that He is in complete control. It is comforting to know that we serve The One who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or want. We keep talking to Dad for him to increase our paith.
When we arrived last year and during the first couple of weeks, we were so excited about the travel opportunities over different school holidays that we'd been dreaming about. We recognized that what we didn't allow in light of that is for Dad to give us an even bigger vision for our time here. Since talking with him about that more, it has been incredible given the new opportunities that we've been presented with in Qatar.
We're eager to see what He has in store for us during Year 2. One new thing we're doing is becoming more involved with the place and high school kids. We have sensed His calling in our life to help lead the youth group for the time being. Your thoughts would be most welcomed as we take part in this new venture while we're across the pond. I went through youth group, but I'll be honest and say that I'm a tad bit nervous. What does calm both Kristin's and my heart is knowing full well that we have the power of The One in us, and we are looking forward to following His guidance in this new area of our lives as we seek to make an impact on youth for him and his glory.
I hope that this post finds each of you well as you may, too be getting ready or are in the middle of a transitionary stage in your life. Some of you may be returning to a similar situation that you've been experiencing for a while. Please know that Kristin and I talk to Dad for you and ask him to make his presence known more and more in your life. We desire for your paith to increase and that you would draw closer to him, because we know that he would love to draw closer to you.
I'm looking forward to a new school year. This marks the first time in what is my sixth year of teaching where (presumably nothing changes) I'll be teaching the same grade level and curriculum for back-to-back years. The return to Qatar will be full of challenges I'm sure, but I know that Dad is faithful and that he is just as much here as he is anywhere.
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