Thursday, June 19, 2014


   After being out of the country for nearly a year, I have come to find there are many benefits for being an "expat" (ex-patriot). Although there are many benefits, I have come to realize the hardest part about being an expat is consistently saying goodbye.

   Coming to Doha was an exciting adventure, but we started the adventure with having to say goodbye to our family and close friends which was extremely difficult.  It is still difficult not being with family and friends in the States, but consistent Skype/face time chats have helped tremendously.  Shortly after we arrived in Doha, we made friends with a couple who went to the same place for Friday service who are from South Africa.  They too had to leave and go back home back in October-ish...another goodbye.

   Now, as the end of the school year has come and gone, so have many more goodbyes.  We are so fortunate to meet and get to know some amazing people, but it is difficult to say goodbye when they continue their journey elsewhere.

   One person who I have grown close to this year is Beverly (Bev), who is from South Africa.  She was our Art teacher who had a classroom a few doors down, and was truly part of our "Year 5" team. Bev is someone I will have to say goodbye to tomorrow.  She brings such a light to others and has a positive, welcoming, humble attitude who is extremely genuine.  I'm so thankful to have been able to get to know her this year, but can't imagine coming back in August to not see her big smile each morning and hear her "Cheers, Cheers" when she leaves a room.  I'm super excited about her amazing journey that awaits her with a unique job that many would dream to have.  Regardless, I will miss her and am reminded about how hard it is to just say "goodbye".

   I'm learning this is just part of the lifestyle when you are an expat, but is not something I am fond of.  Thought the quote at our final luncheon was quite fitting today and was a good reminder...

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” 

Leave it to Bev to make the silly face in this picture ;) 

An amazing group of ladies who have become good friends this fortunate to work with each one of them.

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