Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Doha Parents

       I know I have mentioned to many people, and possibly even on the blog, about how Qatar felt more like home last year once we got more involve in our ch u rch community.  We were fortunate to join a small group of people who honestly have become family.  Mark and I are blessed to not only have our parents in the States, but also our "Doha parents", as we refer to them.  They have opened their hearts and homes, while giving "parental" advice along the way, this past year and several months.  

  They are all from the South and some of the most wonderful people I know.  I honestly can't imagine our time here in Doha without them in it.  Our small group is about 15 in total, give or take a few,  who have all touched our lives deeply.  We have been truly blessed to have met such wonderful people here.

   To celebrate Valentine's Day, Mark and I went out to dinner with our Doha parents.  It was a wonderful evening filled with delicious food, great views from the restaurant, and many laughs. I hope one day all our parents will meet (USA+Doha), but for now, here is are a few pictures of some pretty amazing people! :)

Monday, March 2, 2015

The "other" side

I'll be honest, there are several things I enjoy about living here, but many things that I don't agree with or respect.  One of those things is how the workers are treated here.  It truly breaks my heart, as they are living away from their families who they now only see once every 2 years, to work 70+ hour weeks for very little money (maybe a few hundred dollars/month...and I'm not exaggerating).

I was able to see where the workers live about a month ago and it was absolutely devastating to see the other side of living here.  It was a slap in the face for me to think about my complaints that I have.

There is a article that I saw on Doha News tonight that I wanted to share.  Although some of the videos are not filmed here, it is a good representation of the life here for workers...at least for part of their day.   If you have time and want to get a sneak peak at different side of life here, feel free to check out the link.  These are people who could really use some prayers, as I honestly don't know how they work the hours they do for such little pay.  I have such a deep respect for their dedication to serving and providing for their family from afar.


With Love,
